Spring 2022 Schedule

Title Date Presenter Presentation Slides
Basics of Accounting -> Triple-Entry Bookkeeping 9/15/2021 John Wooten (JW) Click for slides
Seminar 9/22/2021 Abrahim Ladha (AL) Click for slides
Cryptography Fundamentals -> Blockchain Network Communication & Intro to Investing: Background + 'Financials' 9/29/2021 John Wooten (JW) Click for slides
Seminar 10/6/2021 Abrahim Ladha (AL)
Crypto Correlation - Companies vs. Crypto Projects & Private Placements vs. ICOs 10/13/2021 John Wooten (JW) Click for slides
Abrahim Seminar 10/27/2021 Abrahim Ladha
Zero Knowledge 11/3/2021 Yibin Yang
Consensus Mechanisms Incl. Solana 11/10/2021 John Wooten (JW)
COVID-19 Contact Tracing Privacy 11/17/2021 Joseph Jaegar
FX-Specific Trading Technicals | Sendoff & Interfacing (Cold Storage etc.) 11/24/2021 John Wooten (JW)
Seminar 12/1/2021 John Wooten